Individual Therapy

1924148612Individual therapy helps address a diversity of issues.

People are not born resilient. They must cultivate it like any other skill, and I am here to help you cultivate your resilience.

Individual therapy is best for people who want to work on important emotional issues in private with their therapist rather than in a group where they must expose their innermost thoughts and feelings and share a therapist with others.

Sometimes life is okay, but you need help clarifying and better understanding your personal goals or relationships with family, partners, friends, or boss.

However, sometimes life becomes very challenging and distressing as a consequence of old childhood trauma, recent adult trauma, or sudden, unexpected losses such as the death of a loved one, infidelity, divorce, failing at self-employment, being fired, or burning out in your career. These problems can feel overwhelming and call into question the meaning you once ascribed to life.

Regardless of the reason for seeking individual therapy, the process can increase your optimism, the confidence you can cope, and the ability to see issues as problems to be solved rather than insurmountable obstacles. Individual therapy also gives you the tools, emotional support, and guidance to meet your needs effectively.

My goal is to help you find results!

As a therapist, I do certain things other therapists do not. I do not treat mental disorders – I treat clients. I humanize rather than objectify my clients, and I strive to understand them on the deepest possible level. This enables our work to proceed quickly and efficiently to get the desired results.

Second, I do not practice therapy solely to reduce the obvious symptoms on the surface of an underlying problem. I search for and work with you to heal the roots of the problem, which, more often than not, lie in adverse childhood experiences. For example, one-third of adults who suffer chronic PTSD from exposure to trauma are virtually always survivors of childhood abuse or neglect that was never resolved.

1737593996Therapy is about transformation.

Limiting therapy to reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety, or panic deprives you of the highest and best use of the therapeutic process. And what is that?

This process is one in which we establish a relationship of trust and safety in which you are active, engaged, and participatory in your inner transformation. As you transform your most basic orientation to self, others, and the world in positive ways, you will feel better, and your life will improve on multiple levels.

Although the work is intense and does involve moments of emotional discomfort, I will be there with you at all times to guide and support you. Ultimately the prize is worth it. You will no longer feel compelled to please others or let them walk through your boundaries. You will be able to perceive the goodness and good intentions in others rather than always perceiving them as posing threats to your well-being. When you engage with a narcissistic, manipulative, or exploitative person, you can stand up and protect yourself.

You will begin to welcome others into your life as friends, work collaborators, and partners in exploration, adventure, and fun. Instead of experiencing the world as a cold, indifferent or hostile place, you will perceive its beauty and wonderment while experiencing meaning, fulfillment, and gratitude for your existence.

Now is the time to move forward with life.

Don’t put off seeking the encouragement and help you need. I am here to work with you as we identify your problems and find real and effective solutions, so you can regain control of your emotions, set goals, take action steps, and live the life you desire.

Our work together will start with you contacting me.