As of February 3, 2025, I will be living in San Diego, CA, and I will be restructuring my therapy format. Instead of providing individual therapy once per week for as many months as clients prefer to meet their goals, I will be offering modules of intensive therapy for 2-3 times per week for one month. I am doing this for two reasons. One, because I am entering semi-retirement with periodic long trips to visit earth’s wildest places. Two, because brief, intensive therapy concentrates the work and harnesses momentum for change. Although once-weekly therapy is highly beneficial, it allows for distractions, decreased focus, and loss of the momentum necessary for rapid and profound change.
Individual therapy is best for people who want to work on important emotional issues in private with their therapist rather than in a group where they must expose their innermost thoughts and feelings to strangers and share a therapist with others. I conduct individual therapy both in-person and online, at the client’s preference. Online therapy definitely works, and has been shown to get results comparable to that of in-person therapy. However, in-person therapy facilitates more in the way of emotional connection, intimacy, vulnerability, energy exchange, and fluid spontaneous conversation.
My goal is to help you get the result you want
As a therapist, I do certain things other therapists do not. I do not treat mental disorders – I treat clients. I humanize rather than objectify my clients. I strive to know them as the unique three-dimensional individuals they are within the context of their family history, trauma history, psychosocial development, and socio-cultural influences. This involves revisiting the pivotal moments and core wounds of their childhood and it enables our work to proceed quickly and efficiently to get the desired results. Second, I use your symptoms as clues to what has been brewing below and manifesting in the symptoms, rather than just trying to reduce symptoms through improved coping skills. I search for and work with you to heal the roots of the problem, which, more often than not, lie in multiple adverse childhood experiences.
Therapy is about transformation.
Limiting therapy to reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety, or panic deprives you of the highest and best use of the therapeutic process. And what is that?
This process is one in where we establish a relationship of trust and safety in which you are active, engaged, and fully participatory in your inner transformation. During therapy you will transform your most basic vision of self, others, and world from one that is fear-based to one that is grounded in emotional freedom, self-confidence, compassion, love, and social connection.
Although the work is intense and does involve moments of emotional discomfort, I will be there with you at all times to guide, support, and encourage you. The prize of hard-won growth and development is worth it.