Hard working professionals of all kinds face the risk of stress overload, exhaustion, and burnout. How do they care for themselves to reduce that risk and build resilience. In many cases they buy a yoga class, a massage, a spa package, a cruise or something like that...
Every person has one or more trigger words that when spoken aloud activate fight/flight with intense anxiety or freeze with numbness and helplessness. What’s yours? Death? Cancer? Bankruptcy? Homelessness? Betrayal? Divorce? Rejection? Criticism? When you hear...
Between the extremes of pure self-sacrifice to please others and utter selfishness (where you do nothing for others unless it directly serves your personal interests) there lies a healthy middle ground called reciprocity. For many of my clients a root cause of their...
When I was a teenager living in New Jersey I managed to get a paid summer job in the paleontology department of the American Museum of Natural History in NYC, a job I loved. Every work day I would take a bus from NJ to the George Washington Bridge Terminal and then...
Since the 1990s groups of therapists and neuroscientists have worked together with FDA permission to research the clinical use of psychedelics in reducing symptoms of PTSD, depression, and death anxiety. Their research outcomes have been strikingly positive, yet the...
While it is no one’s fault to suffer from conditions like alcoholism PTSD or depression, it remains true that unhelpful trains of thought play a role in perpetuating them. Let’s take alcoholism as an example. It is common for someone with alcohol use...
How many times have you used or heard the expression self-sabatoge? It has a sinister ring to it. It seems to imply that you have deliberately, recklessly or impulsively done something to undermine yourself and so you are blameworthy. I think the word should be...
Once you are in therapy for fears rooted in traumatic memories from childhood there are a number of tools to help you in the present moment when those fears are activated. I have a number of adult clients who were the target of verbal aggression by their parents or...
To be authentic is to think, feel, and act as the person you were meant to be. A great deal of human suffering comes from the polarization we experience between our true Self and the persona we constructed to hide insecurity and shame, please others to avoid...
Many people with PTSD experience anxiety, insomnia, and irritability. Some 30-74% are prescribed benzodiazepines (BZDs) for these symptoms. Unfortunately, using BZDs to treat PTSD backfires. In 2015, psychiatrist Jeffrey Guina of Wright State University of Dayton, OH,...