
We’re All Just People

You don’t need to suffer from social anxiety to feel intimidated and out-of-place at social gatherings of colleagues. I have more than a few clients who dread networking events because they perceive others to be so much more established, knowledgeable, and...

Discerning and Reversing Suffocating Inertia in Relationships

When people fall in love they typically share a vision of how much joy they will have living as an exclusive couple and how each will support the other in building his/her dreams of career and family. As the years go by it is common to see couples drift apart and lose...
The Rise of Virtual Therapy: Exploring Its Benefits and Types

The Rise of Virtual Therapy: Exploring Its Benefits and Types

In recent years, a transformative shift has occurred in the field of mental health care with the emergence of virtual therapy. This innovative approach to individual counseling has revolutionized the way people seek and receive support for their emotional well-being....
How to overcome Perfectionism and Procrastination?

How to overcome Perfectionism and Procrastination?

Are you trapped in a cycle of relentless self-critique and perpetual delay? Do you find yourself striving for flawlessness, only to be stymied by the procrastination bug? Welcome to the world of perfectionism and procrastination, two adversaries that often go hand in...

Radical Honesty in Marriages and Partnerships

Having served clients with ongoing difficulty and dissatisfaction in their marriage or long-term partnership I have noticed a common denominator in how they communicate and it’s based on fear. There are certain specific fears that block spouses/partners from...

The Benefits of Shadow Work

When working with therapy clients I often find that a major source of their distress is feeling disconnected from, misunderstood by, and not sufficiently acknowledged and thanked by others for their contributions. The irony is that these same clients express a...

Tips for Daily Mindfulness That Soften the Negativity Bias

Neuroscience teaches that each person’s brain generates an “I” and a “me.” The I is the sense of myself as a physical being existing continuously in time and space. It includes sensory, muscular, kinesthetic, and proprioceptive...

Framing Your Interpersonal Microcosm and Macrocosm

Vast numbers of individuals seek their happiness from receiving recognition and approval within their family and/or their workplace. Each of these represents a kind of microcosmic cocoon in relation to larger units of population including the neighborhood, the...