I have been exposed to New Age coaches who preach that listing at least 5 things you are grateful for at a regular time every day will make you a happier, kinder, and more optimistic person. I have tried gratitude lists and each time I found that before the first week was up I was repeating myself and getting bored. I no longer keep such lists which I view as a mechanical exercise. Yesterday I underwent a successful colonoscopy that showed I had a healthy colon and need not worry about colon cancer, which was great news. However, the day before the procedure I was ordered to fast except for water, clear broth or both. If you knew me you would know I have a voracious appetite and love solid food, so I anticipated this was to be torture. After having my 3rd or 4th bowl of flavorless and unrewarding broth a memory popped into my head. I recalled a paragraph from Victor Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning. In the paragraph Frankl describes having nothing but watery soup and a moldy crust of bread for his meals in German concentration camps. One day, by chance, there was fish head floating in his soup with a bit of protein. For Frankl this was a miracle and he describes the fish head as the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. I suddenly felt truly grateful for my broth because it was keeping me alive and keeping from extreme, painful hunger. Feeling this genuine (non-manufactured) gratitude I began to enjoy my remaining bowls of broth and I was in a good mood the day of my procedure.