Authentic Life Therapies
I am a psychotherapist (an LPCC) who works with adults seeking healing from childhood emotional neglect or forms of emotional, physical, sexual or religious abuse. Beginning in February 2025 I will be offering 30-day, intensive therapy modules for individuals and couples in-person in San Diego or online. This will enable you to make rapid, profound, and permanent changes that might never have occurred in traditional, long-term, once per week therapy. I will also be starting up a secular men’s group for men wanting to process their mental health issues; their existential and spiritual issues; and the stressors they experience in career, in marriage, and as fathers.
You’re in The Right Place.
I am here to help you get unstuck so you can use your unique intelligence, personality, talents, skills, and other strengths to finally get what you most want in life. When you reach old age you will have plentiful pleasing memories rather than bitter disappointments and regrets. Surviving childhood with well-meaning but dysfunctional parents leads many of us to adopt ineffective coping mechanisms that hold us back rather than facilitate growth, development, and positive change. You are far from alone if you find yourself repeating unhelpful thoughts and behaviors that mire you in feelings of depression, failure, helplessness, loneliness or depression. My own journey in therapy before, during, and after becoming a licensed therapist taught me that emotional suffering is a universal human experience. Who do you know who hasn’t wondered if there must be more to life than what she or he has experienced so far?
Unblock the Obstacles to Achievement, Self-Esteem, and Happiness
We humans are born with the potential to be extraordinary and to live with purpose, meaning, passion, creativity, friendship, love, play, and joy.
Sadly, too many of us get disconnected from our potential for years, even decades, by the traumas we experienced. We stop believing there is good in us or others. We engage in negative self-talk that makes us feel small, incapable, unworthy, even unlovable. We see only our shortcomings and become blind to our many strengths.
The miracle of psychotherapy is that it can reconnect you with all that is good in and around you while restoring your faith in yourself and humanity. The existence that felt so empty and dark becomes abundant and bright once again.
Journey into Hidden Childhood Programming that has Made Life Satisfaction Seem Impossible and Wake Up to Your Power
When we are children our parents program our highly impressionable brains in two ways. First, by how well or poorly they bond with us, mirror our worth, and treat us relative to our siblings. Second, by how they filter and apply the beliefs and values of their ancestors, parents, and culture. Children of parents who make them feel safe, secure, loved, and valued are likely to enter adulthood with solid self-esteem and a belief in their own competence. Children who are abused, invalidated or neglected or who live in chaotic homes marked by parental shouting or violence, are likely to suffer from anxiety or depression.
Predictably these children become adults who smoke, drink, drug, overeat, act out or engage in forms of self-harm. It’s not that the parents of maltreated children didn’t love them. Usually, these parents were burdened by a medical condition, personal trauma or a mental illness such as bipolar, persistent depression, a personality disorder, anger issues, alcoholism or addiction. Although the past is far from meaningless it does not determine our futures. The brain is the only organ that can change itself by insight, will power, courage, visioning, taking risks, and developing new habits. The therapeutic relationship is so very valuable because it is designed to provide clients with the trust, safety, and freedom of thought and emotion required for change. As your therapist I will give you these things and I will also give you the affirmation, validation, and encouragement that will support you in changing.
The Good News Is That Healing is Always Possible
Whether you have suffered for a few years, many years, or a lifetime, real and permanent healing can occur in a caring, nonjudgmental, empathic, and supportive therapeutic relationship.
I have helped many clients overcome the symptoms and burdens of trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, ADHD, perfectionism and procrastination, co-dependency, fear of rejection, imposter syndrome, and relationship problems.
You don’t have to keep living in the shadows. It’s time to start living your best life openly celebrating the change.
It’s time to stop procrastinating and get help.
You don’t have to keep trudging through this
nightmare alone.
It’s time to come in from the cold, find a true ally,
and triumph over your suffering.
Hi, I’m Harvey.
And I am here for you.
Nothing would bring me more satisfaction than seeing you healed of your pain; able to savor life’s precious moments; and ready to actively engage with family, friends, and work again!
In a safe and judgment-free space, you’ll learn proven techniques for reducing your anxiety, depression, and despair.
Together, we’ll help you reconnect with your loved ones and become the nurturing, present parent your children deserve.
It’s time to envision a better, happier, more meaningful existence and take the practical steps to create it brick by brick.
Come in from the cold, find a true ally, and triumph over your suffering.
A better life is possible.
Regain your zest for life and face each day with energy, motivation, and enthusiasm.
Don’t waste another moment.